Tech Learning Collective

Technology education for radical organizers and revolutionary communities.


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  1. Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons: Luck Favors the Prepared

    Putin’s brutal aggression in Ukraine has put cyberwar back in headlines. Recently, Carey Parker, host of the Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons podcast, reached out to us at Tech Learning Collective to talk through some of the issues the war in Ukraine has once again raised for laypeople who may be newly concerned about the reliance we’ve developed as a society on digital infrastructures. So, late last month, we sat down with him for another conversation about what anyone and, arguably, everyone could be doing not only to keep themselves safer online, but also prepared in the event of an escalation of hostilities in a cyber theater, rapid shifts in political climates, or even just natural disasters that affect telecommunication abilities.

  2. The Enragés: Next Time the Pendulum Swings, Part 2

    Earlier this month, we republished part 1 of our interview with The Enragés, where we discussed our blog post, Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future. In this post, you’ll find the conclusion of our conversation along with a (somewhat rushed) transcript of the same. Here, we touch on ways in which capitalism has constrained people’s telecommunication abilities, we describe some of our inspiration from earlier political thinkers, and we even answer a couple of listener questions.

  3. The Enragés: Next Time the Pendulum Swings, Part 1

    Back in January, we published an imaginary of an optimistic cyber-future. A couple months after it was syndicated by the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS), Joel Williamson (of Non Serviam Media renown) invited us to join him on an episode of the C4SS’s new podcast, The Enragés, to discuss the piece in more depth. The ensuing two-hour conversation was recorded and published as a two-part interview that we are excited to present here.

  4. Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons interviews Tech Learning Collective, Part 2

    At the beginning of March, 2021, the second part of our two-part interview on Carey Parker’s Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons podcast aired. In part 1, we introduced listeners to Tech Learning Collective with an overview of our mission and methods. This episode takes things a step further, describing how we structure learning opportunities through workshops and courses, as well as focusing on some of the more cybersecurity-related content available in our curriculum.

  5. Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons interviews Tech Learning Collective, Part 1

    A few months ago, we were flattered that Carey Parker invited us on to his security and privacy podcast, “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons.” Carey has been producing this computer privacy-focused podcast for almost four years now, and he’s managed to amass quite a wealth of valuable information and an equally impressive collection of guests, including some of the most influential people in the cybersecurity industry like Troy Hunt, Phil Zimmerman, and Bruce Schneier. We were honored to be included in such auspicious company for a two-part interview that aired over the months of February and March, 2021.