In addition to our intensive courses, we also host satellite events such as workshops, skillshares, and demonstrations in collaboration with community centers, hackerspaces and hacklabs, and other groups across New York City, and elsewhere via Internet video conference. Our satellite workshops are a low-commitment way to get a feel for our more intensive courses as well as meet some of our teaching team. Existing Tech Learning Collective students studying cybersecurity may also want to participate in one or more upcoming CTFs.
Upcoming events
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DiceCTF 2025 Quals

Event description
This event is publicized on behalf of another group and is not an official Tech Learning Collective workshop or class.
Join us for DiceCTF 2025 Quals, another virtual cybersecurity hangout and learning opportunity. Members of our collectives participating in DiceCTF 2025 Quals may be available to offer guidance on setup, navigating the CTF environment, and learning the basics of Capture the Flag competitions.
Newbies are totally welcome! Even if the event is not designed for beginners, you don’t need to have experience to have fun and learn a lot along the way. Join us for free at:
anytime during the event and say hi to get started!
Learn more about DiceCTF 2025 Quals at:
What is a Capture the Flag game?
Capture the Flag competitions (CTFs) are sets of puzzles intended to distill the essence of many aspects of professional computer security work into a single short-lived exercise that is objectively measurable. Most competitions are free to participate in, and some even award prizes to winners. Individuals and teams compete against each other in a cybersecurity game that is full of puzzles to solve in different categories, like NetSec, AppSec, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, Web Exploitation, and more. The puzzles in each level get increasingly difficult as you solve them, which makes games great for beginners and experienced players alike.
You can either compete against yourself or against the other participants in the room. You can work individually or as a team. It’s up to you!
As with all Tech Learning Collective events, racism, queerphobia, transphobia, sexism, “brogrammer,” “manarchist,” or any kind of similarly awful behavior will result in immediate removal from class without a refund. Please refer to our lightweight social rules for details on our strictly enforced no-tolerance policy against bigotry of any kind.
About the Anarcho-Tech NYC Collective
The NYC chapter of the Anarcho-Tech Collective provides technological and digital infrastructure support services to anti-fascist, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist organizations in New York City. These services range from computer training for activists and advocacy groups, to direct assistance with digital components of advocacy efforts and private audits of an ally’s security posture when requested. We are an entirely volunteer-run organization operating without any licensing or legal recognition and a financial budget intentionally as close to zero as possible.
About Tech Learning Collective
Tech Learning Collective is an apprenticeship-based technology school that trains politically self-motivated individuals in the arts of hypermedia, Information Technology, and radical political practice. We offer unparalleled free, by-donation, and low-cost computer classes on topics ranging from fundamental computer literacy to the same offensive computer hacking techniques used by national intelligence agencies and military powers (cyber armies). For more information and to enroll, visit
This event is publicized on behalf of another group and is not an official Tech Learning Collective workshop or class.
BroncoCTF 2025

Event description
This event is publicized on behalf of another group and is not an official Tech Learning Collective workshop or class.
Join us for BroncoCTF 2025, another virtual cybersecurity hangout and learning opportunity. Members of our collectives participating in BroncoCTF 2025 may be available to offer guidance on setup, navigating the CTF environment, and learning the basics of Capture the Flag competitions.
Newbies are totally welcome! Even if the event is not designed for beginners, you don’t need to have experience to have fun and learn a lot along the way. Join us for free at:
anytime during the event and say hi to get started!
Learn more about BroncoCTF 2025 at:
What is a Capture the Flag game?
Capture the Flag competitions (CTFs) are sets of puzzles intended to distill the essence of many aspects of professional computer security work into a single short-lived exercise that is objectively measurable. Most competitions are free to participate in, and some even award prizes to winners. Individuals and teams compete against each other in a cybersecurity game that is full of puzzles to solve in different categories, like NetSec, AppSec, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, Web Exploitation, and more. The puzzles in each level get increasingly difficult as you solve them, which makes games great for beginners and experienced players alike.
You can either compete against yourself or against the other participants in the room. You can work individually or as a team. It’s up to you!
As with all Tech Learning Collective events, racism, queerphobia, transphobia, sexism, “brogrammer,” “manarchist,” or any kind of similarly awful behavior will result in immediate removal from class without a refund. Please refer to our lightweight social rules for details on our strictly enforced no-tolerance policy against bigotry of any kind.
About the Anarcho-Tech NYC Collective
The NYC chapter of the Anarcho-Tech Collective provides technological and digital infrastructure support services to anti-fascist, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist organizations in New York City. These services range from computer training for activists and advocacy groups, to direct assistance with digital components of advocacy efforts and private audits of an ally’s security posture when requested. We are an entirely volunteer-run organization operating without any licensing or legal recognition and a financial budget intentionally as close to zero as possible.
About Tech Learning Collective
Tech Learning Collective is an apprenticeship-based technology school that trains politically self-motivated individuals in the arts of hypermedia, Information Technology, and radical political practice. We offer unparalleled free, by-donation, and low-cost computer classes on topics ranging from fundamental computer literacy to the same offensive computer hacking techniques used by national intelligence agencies and military powers (cyber armies). For more information and to enroll, visit
This event is publicized on behalf of another group and is not an official Tech Learning Collective workshop or class.
Recent events
Password Superpowers: How to Crack Hashes and Stump Hackers
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Get an accessible introduction to the basics of password management by learning how to perform a password cracking attack yourself. Learn exactly what Web sites do with your password when you log in, how to find out if you have been “pwned,” what the risks are, and what you can… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
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- New York NY United States
Writing with Blue Fire: Shell Scripting for Beginners
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Learn how to inscribe your thoughts, dreams, and desires into your computer and take your command line skills to the next level by learning how to write simple programs called shell scripts. In a way, invoking commands one at a time is like writing a program interactively, whereas writing a… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
November, November Trance Party
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Noble neighors!… (read more)Performances by
- Shift-CTRL Space
- New York NY United States
- Death By Audio Arcade
- lain__d
- Astral_Dejection
- heaven ender
- dis_aster_ous
- stuttersprite
Presented by
- New York NY United States
- 1186 Broadway Brooklyn NY 11221 United States
The Imitation Game: Introduction to Administering Virtual Machine Systems
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This workshop is a practical introduction to creating, using, and administering virtual machine (VM) systems. Even if you’ve never heard of a virtual machine before, you probably already use the underlying technology. And you can get a lot out of using a virtual machine even if you aren’t a software… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
Tor: What is it Good For? (Absolutely Everything!)
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Come learn how the free Tor Web Browser can be your gateway to the Dark Web while simultaneously keeping you safer and your personal info more private as you browse web sites big and small. In this deep dive workshop on Tor, the Tech Learning Collective’s cybersecurity trainers will show… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
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- New York NY United States
Taming Daemons: System Administration and Operation Basics
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Most individuals with access to a computer system have more power today than ever before, but rarely do they make use of it or even know how much power they truly have. In this beginner’s workshop, you’ll begin learning how to “speak with the machines.” By learning to communicate more… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
Clearing Away the Clouds: How Computer Networks, Servers, and the Internet Work
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Learn the basics of computer networking in this workshop that starts by watching a “conversation” between two computers as it’s happening in real time. You’ll be introduced to the free professional network analysis application called Wireshark so that you can listen in on what the programs on your computer are… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
Automate All the Things: A Primer to Infrastructure as Code
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Learn how to make your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), automatically install software on the servers in your cloud, and write executable runbooks to automatically perform upgrades and other maintenance with the press of a button. With today’s modern automation toolkits, a two-person hobby project can outperform a 100-person company,… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
Computer Language Foundations: Command Line Basics
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You have read about people who can talk to machines. Maybe you imagined secret chambers, hidden away behind locked doors, with dark rooms basking in blue from electric fires. Some of these people seemed friendly, others scary, but all of them were powerful. How did they learn to communicate with… (read more)Performances by
- New York NY United States
Presented by
- New York NY United States
Hex90: Birthday Attack
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Queer hackers of the world, unite! Tech Learning Collective is excited to invite you to a very special Hex90 party. Our series of queer hacker salons in New York City, Hex90, continues this Summer with Hex90: Birthday Attack, so named because we are simultaneously celebrating the birthdays/tranniversaries of several prominent… (read more)Performances by
- Shift-CTRL Space
- New York NY United States
- Death By Audio Arcade
- stuttersprite
- heaven ender
- Niyah West
- DJ Softserve
- dis_aster_ous
- alsoknownasrox
- David Lunch
- Janus Rose
Presented by
- New York NY United States
- 1186 Broadway Brooklyn NY 11221 United States
- Hex90